In The Name Of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful.
Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Learned new things and had a precious moments~ Have you heard IOA? Islamic Outreach Abim? Through this organization,we can join several interesting dakwah programme such as hospital visit,children care and new convert training. And here! I am a Mosque Tour Guide at Masjid Negara (National Mosque)!
"As a mosque tour guide,we just like a seller. We want to promote Islam. Talk about our product! Don't bother to compare our product with others, unless they asked you"
"This mosque's roof like an umbrella. Its a symbol of protective. You can see there is no statues in this mosque as in Islam,we believe God is the creator not a creation"
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Inside space of the mosque only for Muslim. The non-Muslim visitors only can take picture from here. |
"Hello,good morning. Welcome to the National Mosque"
"Thank you"
"Where do you from?"
Usually the visitors are from Japan, China, Korea and Australia. But along my three day as the tour guide I have been speaking with visitors from Uruguay, Thailand, Italy, and German also. In my view,one visited this mosque was chosen! They had to endure up the stairs to the main hall of prayer. But still they reached here.
Commonly asked question by them :
"Can I take picture with you?"
"How many time do you pray?"
"Where the women can pray?"
"Where I can cut my hair if I wear a hijab?"
"Do you need to say the syahadah all the times?"
"When do you start to wear the hijab?"
"Why some men need to wear the purple robe and some do not need to?"
"I didn't read about Islam and become a Muslim. I read about Islam and discovered I am a Muslim"
[Najm Uddin Clayton]
What can I see is the non-Muslim do not know what is Islam. And us! As a Muslim must show them what Islam all about! Don't let the media misunderstood them for what Islam promoted.
Jumalan, Armeliaan Armahtajan nimeen :)
p/s : Memang sangat bagus la untuk melatih diri cakap english bila join program gini. Tapi lagi rasa nak belajar banyak bahasa hehe.. dan satu lagi walaupun tak pernah sampai Jepun. Australia dan China tapi gambor tetap ade..kikiki~ Melatih untuk tidak selalu gelak jugak..huuhu..Bila nervous lagi kuat gelak pulak..ape kena je la.
Moga Allah swt redha.
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