Hmm.Feel like a long time not writing anything here. I had created a hypothesis actually. If I dont write any entry or status in fb ke, I actually dont read enough book. I mean books besides the anatomy or the chemistry book. Alhamdulillah, almost three months in Kuantan. In the garden of knowledge despite of the hestic day, I live my own life I thought. Alone. Often. In the library. Carrel room specifically. Eh, wait! ALONE? So where is Allah? No. Not alone :)

And time to back to Kuantan come. Really going to miss them again. The ticket state the bus will depart at 8.30 pm. The only bus available that day. And guess what, sudah menyusahkan someone to "delivery free" ke Greenwood and accompanied us until 9.00 pm..Really need too akteli walaupon dah beberapa kali suruh dia pulang. Greenwood is not a best location to wait for busses at the night tau. The bus late. Janji Melayu perhaps? Btw, Thankyou you youu. END. tak tahu nak naip ape dah~merapu je.
We only love the beginning of things. We hate the middle, and fear the end.
Rasulullah shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam bersabda:
"Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang saling mencintai, kamar-kamarnya di SYURGA nanti terlihat seperti BINTANG yang muncul dari timur atau bintang barat yang berpijar. Lalu ada yang bertanya, "siapa mereka itu?", "mereka itu adalah orang-orang yang mencintai kerana Allah 'Azzawajalla." (HR. Ahmad)
dah final year lum
ReplyDeleteFinal?? Masih jauh. baru first year , first sem
DeleteBukn janji Melayu. Tp mmg diorg gerak lambt..akk pun kene dlu. Tiket jam 7mlm tp bas mai 1/2 jam kemudian...hhmm
ReplyDeleteRindulh adik akk sorang ni
ye la..tapi tempat tu bahaye sgt la...kesian pula kmi..haha sye rindu akk juga!!
Deletedij..sape yg engaged?heee
ReplyDeletekte la :P hehe..ade la ade la. kena cri sendri~