Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Aku ingin lari dari takdir ini

Its raining outside.
And inside.
Waiting for RAINBOW.

Ya, aku mahu lari dari takdir ini kepada takdir yang lain. Aku mahu berusaha untuk mengubah dan berubah. kerana masa kian singkat. Terlalu singkat untukku.

Dan moga,

Senyuman itu,
Moga kekal bila ujian mendatang.

I wonder if you can see my smile behind the veil :)

I wonder if you feel your own smile~

 Qawiy ya diri!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Zerrissen T_T

The believer who mingles with people and is patient with their annoyance, earns more reward than the believer who does not mingle with people and does not observe patience with their annoyance

Tapi gagah 
mengutip sisa 
alasaan yang masih berbaki.
Tapi masih bingung
sepertimana  hari-hari semalam.
Cerita yang dikarang Ilahi.
Ilahi juga yang Maha Mengetahui.
Terus memberi dan memberi.
Tanpa meletakkan harapan pada insan yang lemah.
Moga Allah redha.
Moga lapang dada.
Moga ada jalan nya.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

CCFM 2052K: Should a husband doing daily housework?

First of all, I  need to tell uolls that this is my assignment for parenting. Parenting ni adalah kelas yang wajib diambil most of the student at this main campus of uia la (except for student with  tahfiz program). And and assignment ni tak sama tajuk dengan other group rasanya. Just to inform. Jadi nya, this is an opinion, yang akan mengandungi beberapa kelemahan. hehe. Kbai

Should a husband doing daily housework?
            It is most appropriate to start by mentioning how our dearest Rasulullah (PBUH) who was the noblest and fountain head of decent character treated wife. He would sew his own torn clothes, repair his shoes and do whatever other workmen do in in their houses. This hadith reported by Imam Ahmad and was said by his wife Aishah, when she was asked about what Rasulullah (PBUH) used to do at home.

            According to what Rasulullah (PBUH) had shown us, it is understood that a husband should doing daily housework even he is working. Nowadays, women also well-educated and get career on her own. Thus, it is not suitable for men to give his career as a reason to not doing daily housework and think this is beneath them. Rasulullah (PBUH) also a diligent man who actively spread his preach but he manages to do housework and also play with his children.
            The worthiest condition of a marriage is time to be spent together and this may achieve by having a husband doing a daily housework. A quality time between a spouse create mutual relationship that bring happiness long after. They should help each other and be tolerance in spite of hectic days. In Quran, surah Al-Ma’dah, verse number two, Allah command to His believing servants to assist one another to do good deeds and to avoid sins.
This is a very worrying trend that occurs nowadays in our country where an average of three cases per hour of divorce among Muslim couples. According to the study, one of the reasons that lead to divorce is that there is no understanding between the partners in the sense that they do not really understand what their roles are exactly when they get married. While man mostly thinks that housework is not their duty at all while the wife thinks otherwise. To conclude it is best to end this with a hadith from Rasulullah, “the best of man are those who are best to their wives” (Narrated by Abu Hurairah).